Paris has been employed in the legal services industry since 2019, having worked as a law clerk and personal assistant in rural NSW, before joining Nyst Legal in 2021 where she quickly became a vital member of our administration team.
Since early 2023, she has worked in the role of Administration Manager, where she oversees and leads our highly-efficient administration team. She also works closely with, and provides tailored assistance to the firms Director’s on a wide range of legal administrative and broader business issues.
For a variety of technological, societal and other reasons, many couples have embraced the use of assisted reproductive treatment (‘ART’) as an integral element in the child-birth process. During the past five years alone, ART procedures conducted in Australia have increased by 10% on average.
At present, there is no statute law in Australia that provides a right of publicity. However, that doesn’t mean one can invariably use the likeness or image of another without permission or compensation.
In a time of rising construction costs, plummeting home building activity and increasing demand, the Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation Amendment) Act 2024 was passed through Parliament in April 2024, amending the Planning Act 2016 to hopefully streamline and facilitate affordable residential development throughout the state.
Whether your matter is civil, criminal or commercial in nature, our team at Nyst Legal has all the experience, expertise and diligence necessary to ensure that you achieve the absolute best available result.