Tag: Gold Coast

So, it’s that time of year, yet again, when department stores everywhere are all adorned with glistening synthetic trees, draped in twinkling tinsel and plastic holly, surrounded by cotton-wool snow and lovingly-wrapped empty packages. Competitively-priced sound system speakers spread jolly messages of good will to all, while the latest jumbo-sized LED Full HD Smart TV […]

For a variety of technological, societal and other reasons, many couples have embraced the use of assisted reproductive treatment (‘ART’) as an integral element in the child-birth process.  During the past five years alone, ART procedures conducted in Australia have increased by 10% on average.
For a variety of technological, societal and other reasons, many couples have embraced the use of assisted reproductive treatment (‘ART’) as an integral element in the child-birth process.  During the past five years alone, ART procedures conducted in Australia have increased by 10% on average.
At present, there is no statute law in Australia that provides a right of publicity. However, that doesn’t mean one can invariably use the likeness or image of another without permission or compensation.
In a time of rising construction costs, plummeting home building activity and increasing demand, the Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation Amendment) Act 2024 was passed through Parliament in April 2024, amending the Planning Act 2016 to hopefully streamline and facilitate affordable residential development throughout the state.
Holistically, the hope is that many of the root causes of youth crime may be adequately addressed by the proposed programs and funding.

In a world where technology is rapidly evolving, one area remains a hot topic of conversation on the tip of everyone’s tongue. AI Technology is constantly presenting new developments and challenges to every day life. But is it now becoming more problematic than we can comfortably handle? Taylor Swift recently made a sensational splash on […]

Good question. It should come as no surprise to hear that many lawyers – and business people in general – are already accessing some level of AI as a useful tool to help them maximise their efficiency and effectiveness in delivering services to their clientele. But, at the moment, we’re all just taking our first […]

In his massively successful, triple-platinum 2018 album "Astroworld," American rapper Travis Scott  got the party started with the high-charged rap anthem, ‘NO BYSTANDERS.’ It was an up-tempo call-to-arms, full of rage and rebellion. As it turns out, it may also have been a little prophetic.
On 25 February 2021, the Federal Senate passed the Treasury Laws Amendment (News Media and Digital Platforms Media Bargaining Code) Bill 2021, (“the Code”), a controversial new law requiring certain digital platforms to pay a negotiated fee to eligible Australian news media businesses for the use of their digital content. Whilst many have praised the Code for standing up to omnipotent tech companies in the noble pursuit of fair market practices, others, including the tech companies themselves, have accused Australia of trying to break the internet.
Between 1905 and 1970, generations of First Nations children were forcibly removed from their families, under a policy of so-called ‘protection.’ The 1995 Bringing Them Home report estimated that between ten and thirty-three per cent of all First Nations children were taken from their loved ones.
Confidential communications between lawyers and their clients are sacrosanct. They are subject to legal professional privilege, which means they cannot be disclosed by anyone – including the lawyer – to anyone else - including the government, the courts, the police, or anyone at all - without the client’s express authorisation. That principle has been around for about 500 years, and remains a fundamental tenant of our legal system. But it has, at times, been sorely tested.