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Are pre-nuptial agreements legally binding?

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Can I get charged for buying legal drugs online?

Play Video about Michael Burrows

Can I be charged for having ingredients to make drugs?

Play Video about Charge Offence

How and when will I get back property seized by police?

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As a foreign national married to an Australian citizen, can I get a divorce in Australia?

Play Video about Chris

What is the 'One Punch' law?

Play Video about Cherie Orevich

What do I do if someone takes out a Domestic Violence Order against me?

Play Video about Domestic Violence

Can I appeal a Domestic Violence Order?

Play Video about Charge Offence

What are the usual conditions of a Domestic Violence Order?

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Do I have to give a statement to the CCC?

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In what circumstances should I serve a statutory demand?

Play Video about Jonathan Nyst

When will the court make a Domestic Violence Order?

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